
Climate | Action | Scotland | Writing

Paperboats Zine

The urge to explore and celebrate all the kinds of lives of Planet Earth is stronger than ever, but the environmental and ecological crisis demands we also lift our eyes, and our voices, to species extinction and habitat loss, to what is happening to the forests and hills, the rivers and seas, our streets and gardens. The writer’s instinct to pay attention has never been more vital. Literature can help us to see the natural world – and our place in it – differently.


Small blonde boy holding up a paperboat

Scottish Parliament Action

On Thursday 23rd November 2023, we gathered outside the Scottish Parliament to deliver 1000 Paperboats, 1000 Climate Hopes, to MSPs of all parties.

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Karine Polwart, Stephen Deazley and the Paperboats Choir

The Paperboats Choir

When we gathered outside Scotland’s Parliament on the 23rd November 2023, Karine Polwart and Stephen Deazley turned up with a scratch choir.

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Paperboat floating on on the Scottish Parliament ponds among leaf-litter.

Ghost Boats

The Splendid Poison Frog,
Spix’s Macaw,
the Bramble Cay Melomy,
the Moorean Tree Snail,

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Paperboats Choir in front of a banner reading 'Climate Hope of Lose Yer Vote.'

1000 Climate Hopes

These are the messages of Climate Hope we have collected so far from the people of Scotland. We have kept original text and spellings.

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Paperboats folded from pages of a book stamped with 'We will rise'

Dear MSP

On the morning of the 23rd November 2023, writers, artists, activists and supporters, gathered outside the Scottish Parliament to call for cross-party support for urgent

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