
Climate | Action | Scotland | Writing

Paperboats Zine

The urge to explore and celebrate all the kinds of lives of Planet Earth is stronger than ever, but the environmental and ecological crisis demands we also lift our eyes, and our voices, to species extinction and habitat loss, to what is happening to the forests and hills, the rivers and seas, our streets and gardens. The writer’s instinct to pay attention has never been more vital. Literature can help us to see the natural world – and our place in it – differently.


Edited by Leonie Charlton and Karen Lloyd
The coming of winter reminds us of the change of light, the dimming down of the season. Everything is in flux; the last few swallows and martins have jinked their last until next spring, the energy of wildflowers retreats back down into the soil. In Issue Four of the Paperboats zine, we celebrate the many ways that writers notice the world around them – hedgehogs as ‘Spanish chestnuts in their brown prickly cases,’ but importantly, hedgehogs also as barometers of climate change. As well, we celebrate noticing in language and how the shifting world and the inner world of writers find some kind of equilibrium through the practice of poetry and prose. 

Sàl (Brine)

Is fuath leam, ged as gràdh leam sàl –
’s cruinnichte ann gach deur mo shliochd,
is mi fo sprochd air luime creige

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Storm Bebet

Hid’s blowin a hoolee, bit I geed oot a luk efter dinner wae the camera.  A job tae stand apace long enough tae tak photos.

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Memento Mori

Crescent o cork, new moon, owld
moon, bracket, comma,
oppen or closed speech mark

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Maerl Time

What are we searching for, really, when we search for cowries? Out on the skerries, the four of us are bent double.

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Thank you Too

The thing is there was this young man
who saw me in Arlington Place picking up litter –
snickers-duo from amongst the daisies and sticky-willy.

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NOBLE In context, I RILE

Art Gallery – Orange paint
Be then non-be, that is extinction.
CLIMATE Justice – Climate Justice is unavailable in your region.

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‘Parched’. adj. of land. Extremely dry. Excessively thirsty.
Carbonated natural mineral water. Warning – pressurised

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