Art Gallery - Orange paint
Be then non-be, that is extinction.
CLIMATE Justice - Climate Justice is unavailable in your region.
Deliver us from Vile,
Energy Emergency, Emerging Sea.
Forgo Apocolyptic: four go Apocalyptic
Gigabytes - Apple (First byte of)
Human Race: On your marks, get set, gone
i4ni * Humanity * ruthlessness = Humanblindnesstoothlessness
Jargon emissions//Jargon omissions
Killer watts (Attack of the) 2024
Lull option 1) Noel, losing my region.
Monetised demise, Pay now Pay later.
N+O(Future) // NO al lavado verde lingüístico1
Ozone Light, Ozone Zero
Petroleum blackening another shore — Choose, A) Greenpeace B) Green war
Question, If X = rich, and Y= poor: Divide
Report Just in: Economists response to green policies - critical.
Sin mundo, Sin destino2
Tipping Point- T Point Piping - Round the Bend: Environmental agency deems Tidal Power
harmful to British Sea.
(U+V)2 = UVs
What do we want ? Justice how do we want it Just ice
XR. Extinction Rebellion: NOBLE In context, I RILE.
Yesterday - point of tipping seemed so far away.
Zero Ozone, Zero net Zero, Zero Net
1, No al lavado verde lingüístico
2, Without world, without destiny
D Rudd-Mitchell
D Rudd-Mitchell’s poetry has appeared in zines, magazines and anthologies including Poems For a Green Blue Planet. His dystopian, environmental novella, P, was published by Plastic Brain Press in 2021.
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