
Climate | Action | Scotland | writing


Campaigns, Resources

Letters for a Fossil Fuel Treaty

We’ve teamed up with Global Justice Now, Scotland and Letters to the Earth for this campaign.

Emails and petitions are great, but if you really want to share your concerns with our political leaders, then take a little more time and write them a letter. Tell them how you really feel.

Set aside an hour

Grab a cuppa and read the Scottish Supporter briefing from Global Justice Now on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Gather your thoughts

On a scrap piece of paper or in a notebook, spend around five minutes free-writing to each of the following prompts:

    • When did you start caring about climate change? Was there a particular moment that you can remember?

    • What most concerns you about the future?

    • What would a good future look like to you?


Write Your Letter

Letters to: Show how you really feel, shake things up, create change, dream big, connect.

Bring together your ideas from the free-writing exercise and write your letter. It can be on behalf of anyone or anything you choose: the Earth; another species; future or past generations.

Writing prompts: What do you care most about? What do you want to say? What needs to be heard? Who or what perspective do you wish to speak from? How can you speak up on behalf of the Earth?

Send your letter

Post your letter to:

First Minister,
The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

Or email or post it to your constituency or list MSP.  You can find out who they are here.

Include your own address and postcode.

If you’re posting your letter, you can add a Paperboat – it sends a message to politicians to take braver and bolder action for climate and nature. You can find out why here.

Instructions on how to fold your Paperboat are here.

If you’d like, you can write an extra message on the side of the boat’s hull. 


Or deliver your letter in person:

Better still, deliver the letter in person to the First Minister. Join our gathering in the autumn at the Scottish Parliament. Sign up to our mailing list below to stay updated.


We’d love to see your letters and Paperboats.

Please post a photo on social media and tag us.