in which I was lost, carrying
a colourless cloud of grief
in a close half-dark. Roots grasped at me;
moss underfoot was radioactive green.
Strange how tears
have the same effect as trees,
obscuring the vision. A chill of fear, too,
in not knowing how to escape,
or where the way out might take me.
In the distance sunlight,
a golden field, sky;
but closer, five silent forms,
black silhouettes against the trunks,
silver-grey as they ran
near the wood’s edge, where the sun
penetrated its green gloaming.
They had something in mind,
that much was clear.
I stopped dead still, watchful, until
they louped around,
shepherded me on either side
toward the calling field.
Header Image Credit: Polly Pullar
Mandy Macdonald
Mandy Macdonald is an Aberdeen-based Australian poet and musician. Her work is widely published in journals including Causeway/Cabhsair, Poetry Scotland, Black Nore Review, and Pennine Platform, and in many anthologies. Her 2020 pamphlet, The temperature of blue, is available from When not writing or gardening, she sings.
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